DMEGC Photovoltaic Modules Installation Manual
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the frame strength.
A module with broken glass or torn backsheet cannot be repaired and must not be used since contact
with any module surface or the frame can cause an electric shock.
Work only under dry conditions, and use only dry tools. Do not handle modules under wet conditions
unless wearing appropriate protective equipment.
When storing uninstalled modules outdoors for any period of time, always cover the modules and
ensure that the glass faces down on a soft flat surface to prevent water from collecting inside the
module and causing damage to exposed connectors.
2.3 Installation safety
Never disconnect electrical connections or unplug connectors while the circuit is under load.
Contact with electrically active parts of the modules, such as terminals, can result in burns, sparks and
lethal shock whether or not the module is connected.
Do not touch the PV module unnecessarily during installation. The glass surface and the frame may be
hot; there is a risk of burns and electric shock.
Do not work in the rain, snow or in windy conditions.
Avoid exposing cables and connectors to direct sunlight and scratches or cuts in order to prevent
insulation degradation.
Keep children well away from the system while transporting and installing mechanical and electrical
Completely cover the module with an opaque material during installation to prevent electricity from
being generated.
Do not wear metallic rings, watchbands, ear, nose, lip rings or other metallic devices while installing
or troubleshooting photovoltaic systems.
Use only insulated tools that are approved for working on electrical installations.
Follow the safety regulations (e.g., safety rules for working on electrical power plant stations) of your
regions and for all other system components, including wires and cables, connectors, charging
regulators, inverters, storage batteries, rechargeable batteries, etc.
Under normal conditions, a photovoltaic module is likely to experience conditions that produce more