DMEGC Photovoltaic Modules Installation Manual
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1. General Information
Thanks for choosing DMEGC Solar PV modules.
This guide contains information regarding the installation and safe handling of DMEGC photovoltaic
module (hereafter is referred to as “module”)
All instructions should be read and understood before attempting to install. If there are any questions,
please contact our sales department for further explanation. The installer should conform to all the safety
precautions in the guide when installing the module. Local codes should also be followed in such
Before installing a solar photovoltaic system, the installer should become familiar with the mechanical
and electrical requirement for such a system. Keep this guide in a safe place for further reference (care and
maintenance) and in case of sale or disposal of the module.
Safety precautions
DMEGC solar Modules are designed to meet the requirements of IEC 61215 and IEC 61730, applocation
class A, Modules rated for use in this applications class may be used in system operating at greater than
50V DC or 240W, where general contact access is anticlpated Modules qualified for safety through IEC
61730-1 and IEC 61730-2 and within this application class are considered to meet the requirements for
safety class II equipment.
2.1 General Safety
Installing solar photovoltaic systems requires specialized skills and knowledge.
Installation must only be performed by authorized and trained personnel. Installers must assume all
risks of injury that might occur during installation, including, but not limited to, the risk of electric
One single module may generate more than 30V DC when exposed to direct sunlight. Contact with a
DC voltage is potentially hazardous and should be always avoid.
PV modules are recommended to be installed at altitudes of less than 2000m.
Modules can be ground mounted, mounted on rooftops. The proper design of support structures lies
within the responsibility of the system designers and installers.
When installing the system, abide to all local, regional and national statutory regulations. Obtain a