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999817902 - 10/2022
Mobile Scaffolds
The purpose of rolling scaffolds is to access large areas
with the minimum amount of material on a flat/level sur-
Types of Rolling Scaffolds
Depending on the site condition, required height, and
material availability, there are different types of rolling
scaffolds. To achieve lateral stability , outrigger (but-
tress) bay and / or ballast should be used.The outrigger
width and ballast weight must be calculated to ensure
the required regulations are met.
Ballast may be required per Stability Analysis.
Safty Guidelines for Erection for
Rolling Scaffolds
The following precautions apply to the erection of roll-
ing scaffolds:
The height of the rolling scaffold must not be greater
than 2 times its minimum base dimension (length or
width), measured at the base of the tower unless it is
equipped with engineered guy wires or outriggers.
lf outriggers are used to stabilize a rolling scaffold
with a height that is greater than 2 times the mini-
mum base dimension (length or width), the minimum
width is measured between outriggers.Outriggers,
additional bays, or other means may be added to the
bottom of a scaffold structure to increase the mini-
mum base dimension of the scaffold. The resulting
modified base dimension may no longer be the min-
imum (or limiting) base dimension when calculating
the 'height-to-base ratio' of the scaffold structure.
When a rolling scaffold is in proximity to energized
electrical equipment, the wheels must be fitted with
nonconductive resilient tires. Always lockout and
tagout all electrical hazards.
Fit each wheel or Caster on a mobile scaffold with
brakes or other locking devices to prevent rolling and
swiveling when the scaffold is in use.The Casters
must be securely attached to the scaffold.
lf Base Jacks are used to increase the height of the
tower, they must not be extended by more than 12"
(0.3m).The tower must be kept plumb and level at all
Use plan-bracing at the top and bottom of rolling tow-
ers where the top platform is more than 9'-0" (2.7 m)
above the supporting surface. When towers are to be
erected higher than 9-0" (2.7 m), the first brace must
be no more than 2'-0" (0.6 m) above the Casters and
subsequent plan-braces above must be installed at
no more than 13' (4.0 m) intervals.
Use steel Planks or decking units with hooks or
cleated Wood Planks on rolling scaffolds.
Apply horizontal force as close to the base as possi-
ble when moving the tower.
Workers should never stand on, or work from a Roll-
ing Tower when it is being moved.
Max. vertical distance between working platform is
4.0 m unless plan braces are installed according to
the previous rules.
Diagonal braces required on all four sides of the roll-
ing scaffold tower.
As per EN
1004 maximum height of the rolling scaf-
fold tower indoor is 12 m and outdoor 8 m.However
static calculation against tilting is required in every
When ballast is required, the ballast weight must be
verified and installed correctly as per Cantilever Sec-