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999817902 - 10/2022
the load slightly from the ground or platform and
make certain that it is secure before raising or lower-
ing further.
Erect signs to indicate that hoisting activities are tak-
ing place around the safe area. Before any lifting or
lowering operations commence, the work area
MUST be cordoned off to prevent the access of
unauthorised personnel.
ALWAYS keep yourself clear when hoisting scaffold-
ing components. Never stand directly under the load.
Faults to look for in a Gin Wheel
- No certification
- No Safe Working Load stamped on the wheel
- Split pin missing
- Dents in the main body which will prevent
smooth operation of the rope
- Only ring type gin wheels are permitted
Faults to look for in a Rope
- No certification
- Rope is sleeved with an identification tag at each
- At least one of these tags is an original identifica-
tion label
- Abrasions, flaws, wear, thinning or rotting
- Usually only 18
mm polypropylene rope is per-