Assembly/Filling the cylinder body
ix Gamma
Caution! If you insert the follower incorrectly, you might damage the ma-
terial. If you insert the follower too deep or not deep enough into the cyl-
inder body, you might destroy the pressure springs.
Ill. 5: Inserting the follower into the cylinder
body using an loading knife.
8. Carefully insert follower plus load-
ing knife into the cylinder body until
the front edge of the follower is
flush with the internal edge of the
body (basic length: 30mm)) and/or
the security ring support (extended
The springs and pins now are above
the boreholes in the cylinder body.
Ill. 6: Rotating follower with loading knife
9. Rotate follower plus loading knife
until the loading knife is above the
boreholes in the cylinder body.