- 12 -
If the refrigerator is operated when it is not level and the
vehicle is not moving, liquid ammonia will accumulate in sec-
tions of the evaporator tubing. This will slow the circulation
of hydrogen and ammonia gas, or in severe cases, completely
block it, resulting in a loss of cooling.
When the vehicle is moving, the leveling is not critical, as the
rolling and pitching movement of the vehicle will pass to either
side of level, keeping the liquid ammonia from accumulating in
the evaporator tubing.
Sodium chromate is used to prevent corrosion (less than
2 weight % of the coolant).
when the refrigerator is not in use
Any absorption refrigerator that is to be taken out of service for
wan extended period of time should be turned off.
autoMatic energy selector
control systeM
The refrigerator is equipped with an automatic energy selector
control system. The user turns the refrigerator on, selects
the desired temperature and then, the refrigerator automatically
selects the most suitable energy source available (either
120V AC or LP gas operation). The system can be set by the
user to be fully automatic (AUTO mode is selected) or to oper-
ate on LP gas only (AUTO mode is off).
The refrigerator controls will work down to 9.6 volt DC.
auto MoDe / gas MoDe
The refrigerator is equipped with a control system where the
user can choose to turn the AUTO mode on or off.
auto MoDe is turneD on
The system is fully automatic which means that it selects the
most suitable energy source available, either 120V AC or LP
gas operation.
leD panel inDications
status inforMation
Display is on
Refrigerator on
Display is off
Refrigerator off
dot is lit.
AUTO mode and
AC operation
and LP
dots are lit.
AUTO mode and
GAS operation
The LP
dot is lit.v
Manual GAS operation
Thermostat range setting
indication (1 - 3).
refrigerator overview
absorption cooling systeM
In an absorption refrigerator system, ammonia is liquefied in
the finned condenser coil at the top rear of the refrigerator.
The liquid ammonia then flows into the evaporator (inside the
freezer section) and is exposed to a circulating flow of hydro-
gen gas, which causes the ammonia to evaporate, creating a
cold condition in the freezer.
When starting this refrigerator for the very first time, the cool-
ing cycle may require up to four hours of running time before
the cooling unit is fully operational. The tubing in the evapora-
tor section is specifically sloped to provide a continuous move-
ment of liquid ammonia, flowing downward by gravity through
this section.
leveling the refrigerator
Leveling is one of the requirements for proper operation with
absorption refrigerators. To ensure proper leveling the vehicle
needs to be leveled so it is comfortable to live in (no noticeable
sloping of floor or walls).
Any time the vehicle is parked for several hours with the refrig-
erator operating, the vehicle should be leveled to prevent this
loss of cooling.
Do not park your Rv on a slope for a longer period of
time. Absorption refrigerators use a gravity-flow system.
Being on an angle of more than a couple of degrees for ex-
tended periods of time stops the refrigeration and might
cause damage to the cooling unit.
It is important that you do not leave the refrigerator to
run idle and/or unattended for days or weeks.