5.6.1 Use not intended and not allowed - Foreseeable and unforeseeable inappropriate use
use the crane to lift and transport people (fig. 70).
lift loads heavier than the nominal lifting capacity nor equip the crane with hoists with a nominal lifting
capacity greater than that of the crane itself (fig. 71).
lift loads while people are walking under the suspended load.
walk, stop, operate and maneuver under the suspended load.
permit unqualified staff or under 18 years of age to use the crane.
use the crane unless psychophsically suited to the work.
use the crane unless provided with suitable personal protection (PPD, gloves, etc.).
operate without taking the necessary care during lifting and travelling of the trolley and rotation of the arm
rotate the load and /or the arm of the crane and/or pull the push-trolley using the cable of the push-button
panel (fig. 72).
touch the slings during tensioning in contact with the load and between the hook and the slinging.
leave the suspended load unattended.
use the crane for jobs other than those for which it was designed, do not use it for other operations such
as painting ceilings, changing light bulbs, a place to rest scaffolding on, etc.
lift unbalanced loads.
allow the load or the hook to swing during translation or rotation.
place the chain in a diagonal position for pulling.
use the crane or its lifting apparatus for pulling or dragging.
use slingings without having previously checked their suitability.
use the chain of the hoist for grounding a welder.
lift loads with the hoist.
use the crane to keep tension or to extract elements tied to the ground.
perform a hook run, after having positioned a load, in a way which causes the chain to wobble.
Contraindications of use
operator and of the people in the area, as well as risks of damage for the work