Operating Manual
© Dürr Systems AG
ED3K_Operating_Manual_Rev02LD_03Lug2020_EN. docx
Rev.02 – 03.07.2020
8.11.2 Regulation table data
In this table for each recipe is assigned a table of couples of values (regulator output percentage
and corresponding flow) which should cover the working range of the recipe.
After a recipe is loaded, these values of the output in percentage are taken as initial value of the
output, then, while spraying, a PI algorithm will control the output regulator and therefore the flow.
To fill out the table set the regulator output in manual mode, set an output value in percentage,
spray and wait for the indicated flow to be stabilized; write the values of the percentage output and
the corresponding flow in the table. The points describe a curve, which should cover the range of
the possible working flow set points.
Values of the output for intermediate flows set points are calculated as linear interpolation from the
table data.
Not all the five couples of values for a recipe needed to be filled out. They must be ordered from
the first with growing values of flow left to right.
If for a recipe, the requested flow set point which is higher than the highest value in the table, the
regulator output is set to zero, with an error message.
For system equipped with Coriolis flow meters is possible to have a temperature compensation.
Figure 61 regulation data table with temperature compensation
The table has two additional columns T and K.