DPtech FW1000 Series Firewall Products User Configuration Guide
Basic> System > Virtual system
from navigation tree to enter the virtual system interface, and click the
enable virtual system configuration.
Basic> System > VRF
from navigation tree to enter the VRF interface, and create a new VRF, such as
VRF_A, select a virtual system and an interface for the VRF.
Basic> Network > IPv4 unicast routing > BGP
from navigation tree to enter the VRF interface, and
create a new VRF, such as VRF_A, select a virtual system and an interface for the VRF
Enable the MPLS and LDP function, and configure the BGP-VPN function, example: select VRF_A, configure
the RD 1:100, RT import: 1:200, RT export: 1:300, and select which kind of route redistributed to the BGP
Firewall device B:
Basic> System > Virtual system
from navigation tree to enter the virtual system interface, and click the
enable virtual system configuration.
Basic> System > VRF
from navigation tree to enter the VRF interface, and create a new VRF, such as
VRF_A, select a virtual system and an interface for the VRF.
Basic> Network > IPv4 unicast routing > BGP
from navigation tree to enter the VRF interface, and
create a new VRF, such as VRF_A, select a virtual system and an interface for the VRF
Enable the MPLS and LDP function, and configure the BGP-VPN function, example: select VRF_A, configure
the RD 1:100, RT import: 1:300, RT export: 1:200, and select which kind of route redistributed to the BGP
route. BGP neighbor information
To enter the configure BGP neighbor information page, you can choose
Basic> Network > IPv4 unicast routing >
BGP Neighbor Information
from navigation tree, as shown in Figure3-45.
BGP neighbor information
Table3-11 describes the configuration items of the configure BGP-VPN.
BGP-VPN configuration items
Neighbor IP
Displays the IP address of the neighbor.
Neighbor AS
Displays the AS number of the neighbor.
Neighbor ID
Displays the ID number of the neighbor.