DPtech WCS 7000 Series Wireless Access Controller User Configuraiton Guide
STA isolation: allows you to enable or disable the STA isolation function
Black/white list: if you configure the black list, then MAC address in Black/White list cannot
If black list is selected, mac address in Black/ white list cannot connect
If white list is selected, mac address in Black/white list cannot connect
If grey list is selected, then there is no limitation.
User maximum number: user maximum connection number, default is 64.
Displays and set the AP wireless radio method and parameters.
Wireless configuration
Configure the wireless configuration, including:
Fragment threshold byte(256-2346, default is 2346)
Specifies the maximum length of frames that can be transmitted without fragmentation.
Fragmentation means to fragment a large frame into small pieces, with each piece
transmitted and acknowledged separately. When the length of a frame exceeds the specified
fragment threshold value, it is fragmented. A longer frame is less likely to be successfully
received. Therefore, in a WLAN where there is high error rate, you can decrease the
fragment threshold to increase frame transmission reliability.
Beacon interval (time unit 100-1000, default is 100): interval for sending beacon frames.
Beacon frames are transmitted at a regular interval to allow mobile clients to join the
network. Beacon frames are used for a client to identify nearby APs or network control
Request to send (RTS) threshold length. If a frame is larger than this value, the RTS
mechanism will be used. RTS is used to avoid data sending collisions in a WLAN. You
need to set a rational value small value causes RTS packets to be sent more often, thus
consuming more of the available bandwidth. However, the more often RTS packets are
sent, the quicker the system can recover from interference or collisions.
DTIM Period (1-255, default is 1) Number of beacon intervals between delivery traffic
indication message (DTIM) transmissions. The AP sends buffered broadcast/multicast
frames when the DTIM counter reaches 0.
Long Retry Threshold (1-15, default is 4) Number of retransmission attempts for frames
larger than the RTS threshold.
Short Retry Threshold (1-15, default is7) Number of retransmission attempts for frames
smaller than the RTS threshold if no acknowledgment is received for it.
Displays the IP address of AP state information, including IP address and AP state and STA
Click kickout
icon to quit the AP.
Click restart
icon to restart the AP.
Click restore
icon to restore the AP plate settings.