22 | Dräger RVP - Communication | Middelborg/Olsson | November 2011
It is possible to connect more than 1 RVP 5000 to a Regard system.
There are 2 solutions.
No. 1:
Use for each RVP 5000 a separate Modbus Gateway Card.
No. 2:
Remote Connection. It is possible to connect a 2nd RVP 5000 to the RVP 5000 that is
connected to the Regard system. The 2nd RVP 5000 then will be the Master, getting data from
the Slave that is connected to the Regard system. For newer RVP's (since July 2011) there's no
special firmware upgrade necessary.
The Master-Slave connection will be done via RS485. There's an optional RS485 module in the
Slave unit required. The cable for this connection is a standard LAN cable (CAT5 or higher).
The data can be shown individual on both panels.
The Remote solution is also possible with the RVP 2400 and RVP 3900
Dräger RVP - Communication
Remote Communication