LG01-N/OLG01-N Gateway User Manual
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Use LoRa radio device directly
The LoRa Radio of LG01N is a SPI device, user can use lg02_single_rx_tx to control this SPI device
for transmit and receive. When use the lg02_single_rx_tx command to transmit, it will initiate the
SPI device on each call and it will add delay to start transmit, it is will be slower than above
method (via pkg_fwd)
Step 1: Disable packet forward
With firmware higher than version LG02_LG08--build-v5.1.1545908833-20181227-1908, select
“Disabled” in IoT Service page.
Step 2: Use lg02_single_rx_tx to receive, for LG01N, the option [-d] is 2
Usage: lg02_single_rx_tx [-d radio_dev] select radio 1 or 2 (default:1)
[-t] set as tx
[-r] set as rx
[-f frequence] (default:868500000)
[-s spreadingFactor] (default: 7)
[-b bandwidth] default: 125k
[-w syncword] default: 52(0x34)reserver for lorawan
[-m message ] message to send
[-o filepath ] payload output to file
[-v] show version
[-h] show this help and exit Use Radio 1 to transmit:
root@dragino-1b6fb0:~# lg02_single_rx_tx -r -d 2 -f 915600000
Set up the radio as receiver at frequency 9156000000,SF7BW125,SyncWord:0x34