C H A P T E R 4
Editing a Document by Voice
Dragon NaturallySpeaking User’s Guide
Copying, cutting, and
pasting text
You can move text from one place to another by using the “Copy That,”*
“Cut That,”
and “Paste That” commands.
To copy, cut, or paste text:
Select the text you want to copy or cut.
Say “Copy That” or “Cut That.”
Move the cursor to where you want to paste the text.
Say “Paste That.”
You can copy your entire document to the Clipboard by saying “Copy All to
Clipboard.” This is useful when you want to copy text to another window. (See “Copying
text to other programs” on page 91.)
Capitalizing text
Capitalizing the first letter of the next word
you dictate
Dragon NaturallySpeaking capitalizes many words automatically. It
capitalizes the first word in a sentence, and it capitalizes proper names
(these words are already in the Dragon NaturallySpeaking vocabulary in
capitalized form).
When you’re dictating, you can capitalize words that aren’t automatically
capitalized by saying “Cap” and then the word. For example, say “Cap
fluffy” to get “Fluffy.”
* This command works in the Dragon NaturallySpeaking window, but it doesn’t work in all
programs. See “Which commands work in which programs?” on page 129 of Appendix B.