Choose the place where you will locate the tray, mark it because you may need to move it out from the
position for better assembling procedure.
Unwind the legs to level the tray in case the surface is uneven. Skirting panel is removable, so it gives you
the access to the drain in case there is a need for service.
Check on the drain if it fastened tight enough to make sure it won’t leak after complete tray installation.
Check all the hose connections to prevent leakage. Your plumber may want to replace the flex hose to hard
PVC pipes which is also possible.
One of the ways on how to change flex
hose to hard PVC pipes:
Disconnect the flex hose from the
shower drain unit. Fasten the 1 ½” hard
PVC pipe to the drain. Using the trap
adaptor with washer and plastic nut
fasten the PVC pipe to the adaptor from
1 ½” to 2”.
III. Mounting Procedure
Clean the surface of the tray and the back acrylic wall. Apply a layer of silicone and fasten the back
acrylic wall to the tray using bolts (Step 1, 2: Part# 1).
Insert the stationary glass into the groove of the guide rail (Step 3).
Repeat the same steps with the other stationary glass. Place the top guide rail on the two stationary glasses
(Step 4).
Attach the flexible waterproof plastic strip (very flexible whitish rope-like rubber stripping) to the side of
the stationary glass (Step 5).
if the flexible strip has a U-shape you need to attach the strip before inserting the stationary
glass into the metal post;
if the flexible strip has a ribbed T-shape the strip is inserted after the stationary glass is in
Secure the top and bottom guide rail to one upright post with the tapping screw (Step 6). You
might need to lift the post a little bit to make sure the screws go inside the designated
threaded slots in the bottom guide rail.
Slide the doors into the channel of the top and bottom guide rails (Step 7).
Secure the second vertical post to the top and bottom guide rails.
Clean the surface of the tray and apply a layer of silicone to the tray. Set the whole glass
assembly onto the tray.
Clean the surface of the sides of the acrylic back wall and apply a layer of silicone (caulking
material) to make sure there is no water leakage in between the connection. Fasten the
vertical posts to the back acrylic wall (Part# 2).
Place the roof on top and secure it using the same bolts (Part# 1). Caulk around to cover the
gaps and prevent possible leakage.
Use enough sealant to make sure all the connections are waterproof. The connection of the
items: back acrylic wall, metal posts and bottom guide rail needs special attention. Water
needs to roll down the guide rail and run inside the shower, so please, do not seal the
connection from inside the shower, but make sure there is enough sealant used on the
Install parts such as foot massager (the hooks might be not pre-attached: Part# 5) and
handheld showerhead (Step 11 - 14).
Secure the door stoppers (Step 8: Part# 4).
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