Terminal 10 of TM2 for 24VDC operation only without AC isolator PCB or terminals
RLA, RLB, RLC of D61530 (D61531) relay output.
Function: Open collector multi-function output available at terminal 10 of TM2. Form C multi-
function output relay is available at terminals RLA; common, RLB; normally open, RLC; normally
closed of D61530 (D61531).
The software function of inverter allows the multi-function output to turn on either in "run" mode,
"constant speed" mode or when frequency output is greater or equal to
. (Please refer to Fig.
4.4l) D61530 (D61531) is connected to the main PC board by a 2 wire jumper connected to header
JP1 on the Crane Commander.
a: "Run" mode output (when
Level of terminal 10 or relay will be changed from high to low whenever inverter enters into
"run" mode.
b: Constant speed mode (when
Level of terminal 10 or relay will be changed from high to low when inverter keeps running at
constant frequency (between accel. and decel.).
c: Output frequency is greater than or equal to
Level of terminal 10 or relay will be changed from high to low if the frequency output of the
inverter is greater than or equal to
Fig. 4.4l Multi-function output