Ignis Operations Manual
Drone Amplified
Figure 7.17e: You can load multiple missions that contain different components to combine
them together.
Since loading a mission only loads the data the mission file saved, you can combine
missions that save different kinds of data. For example, in Figure 7.17e, I’ve loaded both the
Waypoint Mission and the Transect Region Mission simultaneously.
Whenever you load a waypoint mission, always double-check the waypoints’ altitudes in
the side view. If the app does not have elevation maps loaded for the area containing the
mission, then the altitudes may be wrong. Additionally, if you are taking off from a location
that is a lot higher or lower than the waypoint mission, then the waypoints’ altitudes may be
adjusted to fit within your min and max flight altitudes.
When you save a waypoint mission, the mission file will also save your waypoint mission
settings, such as the snap altitude (the orange dotted line in the side view), cruise speed,
curve range, vertical flight path to the first waypoint, heading mode, and mission lost link
procedure. When you save a transect region, the mission file will also save the transect
region settings, such as the zig-zag heading, transect spacing, and the additional settings
used for mapping if the Mapping usage is selected. Make sure to configure these settings
before saving the mission so that good values will be loaded when you load the mission.
Last Updated
Page 147
Apr 13, 2022