Ignis Operations Manual
Drone Amplified
flight controller stops receiving MAVLink messages from the batteries, it'll think the
batteries are at the same energy level they were at the last time it heard from them, and it
won't alert you of anything wrong while it crashes due to running the batteries dry.
ADC channel for voltage monitoring:
Which Analog-to-digital converter the flight
controller should use to monitor voltage. Typically set to the Board default.
Voltage divider:
The Analog-to-digital converter on the flight controller will read some
small voltage that is proportional to the actual battery voltage. Input the scalar here.
ADC channel for current monitoring:
Which Analog-to-digital converter the flight
controller should use to monitor current. Typically set to the Board default.
Amperes per Volt:
The Analog-to-digital converter on the flight controller will read some
small voltage that is proportional to the actual battery current. Input the scalar here.
Num cells in series:
The flight controller estimates the battery energy level based on the
voltage it's measuring and how much current it has drawn from the battery. It also needs
to know what the voltage should be if the battery were full. Input how many LiPo cells in
series your battery is.
Enter the capacity of your battery in milliamp hours.
Cell Voltage when full and under 5C load:
What cell voltage is considered "full" (100%).
Cell Voltage when empty and under 5C load:
What cell voltage is considered "empty"
Voltage drop per cell due to 20C load increase:
How much the cell voltages sag under
high load.
Cell internal resistance:
Instead of specifying how much the cells sag, the flight controller
can compute it if it knows the internal resistance of the cells.
7.8.4 Arducopter Flight Controller Parameters
Not complete
Last Updated
Page 90
Apr 13, 2022