DRS Firmware Manual v2.6-EN (2022-07-19)
©2022 Drone Rescue Systems GmbH
The DRS-FW is designed to run on all DRS systems. It has the following main features:
Easy to configure
Adaptable to your specific needs
Autonomous sensor data processing and parachute deployment (i.e. independent of
the UAV)
Visual and acoustical indication of the system status
Provides system date and time
Configurable logging to SD-card
Supports MAVLink and MAVLink FTP
Supports DJI-API (Onboard SDK)
Supports customizable motor-off-signal
Supports external system state control
Supports test deployment via software
The DRS container is equipped with a micro SD memory card slot. The SD card is FAT32
formatted and is used to store logfiles, perform firmware updates, and load configuration
This document will guide you through the installation/update, configuration, and operation of
the firmware. It also explains the supported interfaces.
Firmware Installation/Update
The newest firmware is already installed on the DRS when it is shipped to the customer. If you
want to update it, you need the new FW which is a file with the extension ".bin" provided by
Drone Rescue Systems GmbH. Simply store this file in the root directory of the micro SD card
to perform a firmware update. When the DRS powers up, the file will be found and the update
process starts automatically. The status LED indicates the
process which takes about 5 to 10 seconds. After a successful update the LED blinks green for
a few seconds, the ".bin"-file is deleted, and the new firmware is started. In case of any error
the LED blinks red for a few seconds and the old firmware is started. Observe the LED carefully
to see if the update was successful. A file named "bootloader.txt" is written to the SD card in
any case. It contains information about the update process, especially about the success. Also
check this file to see if the update was successful. You can delete it afterwards.