DRS Firmware Manual v2.6-EN (2022-07-19)
©2022 Drone Rescue Systems GmbH
0: no deployment on power loss
1: deploy on power loss when when the system is in automatic state (Caution:
opening the bayonet mount of the DRS container disconnects the power supply
which is interpreted as a power loss, thus causes a deployment if the system is
in automatic state!)
Recommended: 1
Range: 0, 1
Resolution: -
Unit: -
0: PWM signals are not used
1: PWM input 1 is used to trigger deployment
2: PWM input 2 is used to trigger deployment
3: a trigger signal must be sent on both PWM inputs to deploy the parachute
4: a trigger signal can be sent on either PWM input to deploy the parachute
5: an SBUS signal on PWM input 2 is used to deploy the parachute (used by the
Emergency Trigger Device)
Recommended: -
Range: 0 - 5
Resolution: -
Unit: -
The interfaces are explained in chapter 6.
0: logic motor enable signal
1: PWM motor enable signal
reserved for future use
3: DJI-API (Onboard SDK)
4: MAVLink (UART)
Recommended: -
Range: 0 - 4
Resolution: -
Unit: -
This baudrate is used for the UART connection of the specified
. It applies
to DJI-API and MAVLink. The DJI-API usually uses 115200, MAVLink usually uses
57600 baud. The baudrate must match the setting of the flight controller (see the
parachute manual for setup instructions).
Recommended: -
Range: 19200 - 3500000 Resolution: 1
Unit: baud
The GNSS feature is only available on DRS variants with GNSS support. GNSS_MODE
must be set to 0 on standard variants.
0: GNSS disabled
1: GNSS enabled, data recording only
2: GNSS enabled, geofence enabled (geofence file has to be provided)
Recommended: -
Range: 0 - 2
Resolution: -
Unit: -
If GNSS is enabled and geofence is used, the parachute deploys when GNSS signal is
lost for this period given in seconds. Set to zero to disable this feature.
Recommended: 0
Range: 0 - 600
Resolution: 1
Unit: s