DOC-0425 Rev D
2 1
Turn off the SP2-XR instrument by shutting down the computer then using the
System Power
switch located on the left front corner of the unit.
Shutting down the computer does not supplement shutting off the front power switch and
shutting off the front power switch does not supplement shutting off the computer. Both must be
done to ensure a proper shutdown.
SP2-XR Software
There are two software levels within the SP2-XR software suite.
The basic software for control of the instrument: setting flows, visualization of operation, and
recording of data is not password protected.
In the System Settings tab, there is the administrator login window. Entering the administrator
password, gives access to the acquisition settings in the single particle tab and config tab. These
settings can be dynamically changed to observe the impact on particle acquisition. Any changes made
here will not be saved in the .ini file.
These programs are loaded on the C: drive of the SP2-XR and a backup copy is provided on the memory
stick shipped with the unit.
In addition, the software to run the camera (vBeam) is installed on the C: drive of the SP2-XR. Please refer
to section 1.23 to operate this software.
Output Data file types
SP2-XR software functions with several different types of files used for data output, a description of these
files includes:
Configuration file
The system settings for the SP2-XR. Each time the program starts, the .ini
file is read and those settings are applied to the instrument.
Information on the individual peak heights for the particles and measurement times.
Setpoints, housekeeping and binned particle data recorded at 1 Hz.
Particle by particle data capturing the full signal trace for scattering and incandescent
particles. The data is automatically zipped when the preset number of particles is captured.
Threshold data files .CSV
Relates the A/D particle signal counts to the particle size/mass. These
tables are developed by the SP2-XR calibration program.