DOC-0425 Rev D
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allows the alarm to be configured such that small amounts of noise near the threshold
value will not continually trigger the alarm.
defines what action will be taken when the alarm transitions from false to true. In addition
to this action the transition will also be noted in the log file. When an alarm transitions from true
to false, the transition is logged but no other action is taken.
Most of the actions are not inherently bi-directional. That is, when an alarm goes
from true to false, the opposite action is not executed, e.g. “Turn Laser Off Alarm” will not
turn the laser back on when the alarm becomes false. Actions will not always use all of the
listed parameters.
Min Time
specifies the minimum amount of time in seconds that the alarm condition must meet
before the alarm is set to true. Set this to 0 to have an alarm work as soon as the condition is
detected. If Min Time is set to a larger value, short excursions past the alarm condition will not
cause the action to be executed.
when an alarm condition is met but the minimum time has not yet elapsed, the alarm
goes into a warning state, indicated by a Yellow alarm color.
Figure 17: Config / Alarms tab