Parachute Manual for DJI M600 and M600 pro
3.3 Installing the motor cut-off PCB
Place the DJI Matrive M600/pro in stable posi-
tion upside down and move the landing gear
manually up. This way you can easily access
the bottom area. Unplug the XT30 socket which
is powering the servo for the landing gear. Re-
move the bottom plastic cover.
Remove the six screws from the terminals
which lock the red (positive) and black (nega-
tive) power supply cables for the motors. Only
pull out the red wires while you leave the black
ones at it’s original positions.
Place the motor cut-off PCB on the center with
white arrow on the PCB pointing into the for-
ward flight direction.
Put back in the six screws where three of them
are still holding the black (negative) wires. The
three other screws connect the PCB with the
positiv power supply terminals of the M600.
Connect the XT30 auxiliary power supply cable
from the M600 to the motor cut-off PCB.