Parachute Manual for DJI M600 and M600 pro
3 Installation
3.1 Connecting the parachute
Use one parachute cord every second arm and
pull it around close to the hinge. Thread one
end of the cord through the other ends loop.
Tighten it well. Take care which three out of the
six arms you will select depending of the loca-
tion of anything mounted on top like the GPS
antennas. After connecting all three arms con-
tinue with step 3.
After all cords are hooked up with the arms of
the M600 pick up the small lid of the cords stor-
age box and thread all three cords through the
hole in the center.
Next step is to connect the metal hook with the
three cords. First step is to loop them through
the hole which doesn’t have the opening.
Go all the way through the hole until the three
loops are close enough for the hook to go into