SMS Command and Control
DisarmsUnsets the system
Activate Command Output 1
Activates Output 1
Activate Command Output 2
Activates Output 2
Activate Command Output 3
Activates Output 3
Activate Command Output 4
Activates Output 4
Deactivate Command Output 1
Deactivates Output 1
Deactivate Command Output 2
Deactivates Output 2
Deactivate Command Output 3
Deactivates Output 3
Deactivate Command Output 4
Deactivates Output 4
Bypass 001
Bypasses specified zone number
Unbypass 001
Clears the bypass from the specified zone
Status Request
Omitting the partition number causes the sys-
tem to send a status report for all partitions.
To request a status report for a specific par-
tition enter the appropriate partition number.
Alarm Memory Request
Omitting the partition number causes the sys-
tem to send a status report for all partitions.
To request a status report for a specific par-
tition enter the appropriate partition number.
The Help command generates an SMS
response listing all Interactive commands
that can be sent to the module. Access Code
is not required.
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