B data. PLEASE NOTE: the ADS-B system is not
an “always-on” broadcast like a conventional radio
station. ADS-B data is only broadcast when infor-
mation is available.
ADS-B antenna connection
. The included ADS-B
antenna will need to be attached to the XGPS170
before use. Remove the protective rubber cap on
the front side of the XGPS170 to expose the ADS-
B antenna connector.
An external antenna can also be used with the
XGPS170. A dedicated, passive 978 MHz tran-
sponder antenna mounted on the bottom of the
aircraft is an ideal external antenna option.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT connect the XGPS170 to
the existing transponder antenna on your aircraft.
This will irreparably damage the XGPS170.
GPS antenna
. The GPS antenna in the XGPS170
is located under the red disc. For best GPS recep-
tion, position the XGPS170 so that it has an unob-
structed view of the sky.