L1315004 Installation guide for DucoBox Energy Premium (Revision J | 22.10.2021)
2-zone system
DucoBox Energy Premium models with a 2-zone system (2Z types) enable the house to be divided into a day and a night zone�
This means that ventilation will only operate in the relevant zone, which means reduced energy demand on the unit, the unit runs
quieter and increased heat transfer is possible�
Zone designations
You need to take account of zone designations if you are utilising an integrated 2-zone
Zone 1 is the bevelled side of the DucoBox Energy Premium in each case.
The system includes a modulating bypass� This ensures, should it be necessary, that there is no heat transfer between air extracted
and supplied� This means that the house cools down in a controlled and gradual manner� This function is active mainly in the
summer� The bypass opens if the indoor temperature rises above the set comfort temperature
(set to 22 °C as standard)
and the
outdoor temperature
is above 10 °C
Frost protection
The unit features frost protection as standard in order to protect it at very low outdoor temperatures and enable it to operate
1. Frost protection
a preheating element
The supply flow rate is slowed down gradually such that more warm air passes across the heat exchanger� This prevents the
heat exchanger from freezing up� If the imbalance is insufficient to prevent it from freezing up, then the unit will be temporarily
switched off�
2. Frost protection
a preheating element
If there is any chance of the heat exchange freezing up due the outdoor temperature being too low, then the preheating element
will kick in to jack up the temperature until there is no danger of the heat exchanger freezing� This keeps ventilation flow rates
If, in extreme cases, the preheating element is unable to heat up the outdoor air sufficiently, then a combination of the
preheating element and imbalance (as described in point 1) will be provided� If the combination is insufficient to prevent it from
freezing up, then the unit will be temporarily switched off�
Constant Flow
The unit features constant-flow control� This ensures that the air flow rate remains constant between the supply and extract side
should the filters become blocked�
Passive House
The DucoBox Energy Premium 325 with heater is certified for use in a Passive House� See page 201 for more information�
3_IM Energy Premium.indb 178
3_IM Energy Premium.indb 178
22/10/2021 11:51:43
22/10/2021 11:51:43