Normal warranty does not cover repairs of damages
caused by the user or a third party. As costs of such
repairs can be considerable, Dudek Paragliders offer an
AeroCasco insurance. It covers a one-off repair of any
mechanical damage, no matter how big and whoever
inflicted them.The only expenses the purchaser has to
pay are shipping costs and so-called share-of-cost
AeroCasco can be purchased only for a brand new
paraglider (at the paraglider purchase). Its cost is 50 euro.
NOTE: AeroCasco is not available for all paragliders (check this before
purchase). It can be obtained for privately used wings only.
AeroCasco applies only to damages that took place during take-off, flight or
landing. Obviously, all faults in the material and manufacturing flaws are
covered by normal warranty.
When handing the paraglider for the repair you have to present a card
confirming its AeroCasco status. After the repair you will have to cover only
the share-of-cost value of 50 euro.
AeroCasco is valid for one repair only.There is a possibility to extend
AeroCasco for one more year. To do this you have to send your paraglider
for inspection not later than a year after the date of purchase. Extension fee
is 75 euro (incl. inspection).
Remember to attach the AeroCasco confirmation on expedition.
AeroCasco does not apply to any of the following: theft, colour fading,
damage caused by incorrect storage or transport, damage caused by
chemicals, salt water and force majeure.