DFDALI module is shown into the map of DCP IDE or
BDTools like in the following figure. As for all
ules, the background of the module will be in green color if
the module is connected and properly working, otherwise
the background will be in red color.
The portion on the left side is related to the input section
and it reports the diagnostic information and the brightness
level of ballast 1 (text box on the bottom); if the option
“Regulation status” has been checked in the configuration
panel, then this text box reports the automatic regulation
status of the 8 zones (in decimal format to be interpreted in
binary mode).
The portion on the right side is related to the output section
and it features two text boxes for entering the destination
and command values.
Setting up
DCP IDE and BDTools allow to set the operating paramet-
ers of the DALI line during the system setting up and to
perform some diagnostic functions. DFDALI module can be
adapted to any specific application. The setting up is per-
formed via the
bus and DFCP (or DFRS or
DFPRO) through a specific configuration panel that can be
accessed from the menu of DCP IDE or BDTools.
From the menu, select Programming, Modules Configura-
tion and then DFDALI. The window shown in Figure 2 will
be opened; the main parameters and options can be here
defined as it will be described in the following of this para-
Before to proceed with any action, the communication
between the PC and, for instance, DFCP has to be opened.
The top side of the configuration panel reports the section
for the addresses management.
After having entered the address of the DFDALI to be man-
aged, it is possible to enable the input address of the mod-
ule through the check box named “Input Address” and then
clicking on the button Program; by the button Read it is in-
stead possible to check the current setting.
It is also possible to activate the “Regulation Status” inform-
ation related to the 8 zones by checking the related option
and then pressing the button Program. This option, of
course, requires that the input section have been enabled.
Six tabs in the window allow some well defined functions as
described in the following.
The button ID & Ver. on the lower side allows to read the
firmware version of the selected DFDALI module.
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Rel.: 2.1 May 2013
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Figure 2: Configuration panel – Addressing TAB