background image


Fitting the blind


Clip the finished roman blind onto the brackets by resting 


the headrail on the bracket as shown.


Press back until it rotates and clicks into place.



To remove the head rail depress and release the underneath catch.

cord pull


Installing the cord cleat - Child safety device


The cleat shall be installed as close to the headrail as possible 


and in all cases not less than 1.5m from the floor.


Cut any access cord and thread on the cord pull supplied.


Knot to hold in place.


Children can strangle if this safety device is not installed. 


Always use this device to keep cords or chains out of reach of children.



split cord 



Operating the blind


The blind can be raised and lowered by pulling the cord.



Pull the cord and angle to the left to unlock the blind.



To lock the blind position in place, angle the cord to the 


right and release.

Keep out of the reach of young children.

Small parts - choking hazard.

2 cords

3 cords

4 cords

press to



Cord Collector care


If the split cord collector becomes detached simply press 


back into the closed position making sure that the number of 


cords and cord positions correspond to the diagram opposite.


Do not put the cords back in a twisted position and never allow 


the cords to become twisted when in use.





Trimming the rods, bars and headrail



You can trim the blind to size to fit your window perfectly. 



Measure the width of your window.  Remove the headrail end cover


 and mark on the headrail where you need to cut the headrail down.  


Using a hacksaw  cut to your desired size and replace the end cover.





Trim the rods and bars to the same width as your headrail 


using a hacksaw.  Trim each size of the rods and bars equally. 

Note:   The hem bar must be cut while the bar is open 
into two pieces.

Tip:  To make sliding the rod bars & hem bar onto the 
fabric easier you could cut one side at an angle to allow 
the bars to slide smoothly across the fabric.

Slide on rod bars


Weighted hem 

bottom bar

Pull cord down & to the left

Pull cord to the right & release
