1 1 5 0 / 1 1 5 5 H A Y B U S T E R T U B G R I N D E R O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S
3.18 Grinding
Before you begin grinding, start the machine and check the direction of the tub’s rotation. Also check the electronic
governor for proper operation.
Watch for unusual or excessive vibration. If any occur, immediately shut off the power. Determine the cause and
correct it before starting the grinder again.
In cold weather, warm up the machine for five minutes before grinding.
To begin grinding, perform the following steps:
1. Start the engine as described in “Starting the Grinder.”
2. Unfold the discharge conveyor and set it to the desired height.
3. Engage the conveyor run switch to the forward position.
4. Engage the fluid coupler by pulling the rotor disengage button out and pressing the rotor engage button in
and holding it until the rotor is spinning (approximately 30 seconds).
3.19 Loading the tub
Never drop a large object or objects into the tub from a high level. Ease the material
over the edge and down into the tub carefully.
1. Engage the rotor as described above.
2. Fill the tub about halfway full of unground material before starting tub rotation.
3. Start tub in the forward direction by switching the electronic governor Engine(Auto) mode and switching
tub direction to forward.
4. Place additional materials in the tub as needed.
Material to be ground should be placed directly into the tub. The best method for filling the tub is: