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Why is such an extensive array of radial
wires necessary? Simply put, it is the best
way to increase your signal! The entire
radial system must collect and carry
currents equal to those flowing in the
vertical section of the antenna. The
ground-mounted vertical antenna needs
many radial wires to prevent your RF
power from being absorbed by the "lossy" ground. Even if your radials cannot run in all directions,
you still get improved signals and prevent ground losses by installing as many symmetrically
spaced radials as you can. You may use wires of any convenient length. Just run your radials in as
many directions as you can, straight away from the antenna base taking care not
to zig-zag, bunch or cross over other radial wires. Radials by definition run in all directions, NOT
parallel, NOT zig-zags, NOT crossing over each other. Run your radial wires in a spoke pattern.
Install your coaxial cable under the radials, at least a
few inches in the ground, to minimize coupling between
the radials and the coaxial cable shield. Additional
decoupling the feedline can be effectively accomplished
using a DX Engineering current choke instead of coiled
coaxial cable, to reduce RF feedback, RFI.
To avoid damage from radial installation and for
proper RF decoupling, the coaxial cable should be
buried several inches under the radial system.
Performance of the antenna is directly proportional to the number and length of radials.
Many short radials are better than a few long radials. The stainless steel DX Engineering
Radial Plate makes it easy to attach long-lasting radial wire connections.
You don’t have to dig! Radial wires disappear under the grass
when installed with DX Engineering steel or biodegradable
anchor pins.
bother to cut ground radials to resonant lengths
because they are detuned by the ground. It is best to install many
radials that are all the same length or lengths that fill a small
irregular space.
Radial wires should run in all directions straight from the base
feedpoint of the antenna. Ground radials cannot be bunched together for any length. If your
radials cannot cover 360 degrees, that is okay. The antenna performs nearly the same with
an equal number of radials squeezed into directions that cover smaller arcs.
Plan to install at least 20 radials using DX Engineering Radial Wire Kits. However, improved
performance is accomplished using 30 to 60 radial wires.