Before we get started, a word about Heart Rate:
The old motto, “no pain, no gain”, is a myth that has been overpowered by the benefits of exercising
comfortably. A great deal of this success has been promoted by the use of heart rate monitors. With the
proper use of a heart rate monitor, many people find that their usual choice of exercise intensity was
either too high or too low and exercise is much more enjoyable by maintaining their heart rate in the
desired benefit range.
To determine the benefit range in which you wish to train, you must first determine your Maximum
Heart Rate. This can be accomplished by using the following formula: 220 minus your age. This will give
you the Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) for someone of your age. To determine the effective heart rate
range for specific goals you simply calculate a percentage your MHR. Your Heart rate training zone is
50% to 90% of your maximum heart rate. 60% of your MHR is the zone that burns fat while 80% is for
strengthening the cardio vascular system. This 60% to
80% is the zone to stay in for maximum benefit.
For someone who is 40 years old their
target heart rate zone is calculated:
220 – 40 = 180 (maximum heart rate)
180 x .6 = 108 beats per minute
(60% of maximum)
180 X .8 = 144 beats per minute
(80% of maximum)
So for a 40 year old the training zone would be
108 to 144 beats per minute.
The two most popular reasons for, or goals, of exercise are cardiovascular fitness (training for the heart
and lungs) and weight control. The black columns on the chart above represent the MHR for a person
whose age is listed at the bottom of each column. The training heart rate, for either cardiovascular
fitness or weight loss, is represented by two different lines that cut diagonally through the chart. A
definition of the lines’ goal is in the bottom left-hand corner of the chart. If your goal is cardiovascular
fitness or if it is weight loss, it can be achieved by training at 80% or 60%, respectively, of your MHR on a
schedule approved by your physician. Consult your physician before participating in any exercise