For example, the following lines of text (if List Separator in Regional Settings is set to comma):
DYMO Corp., 44 Commerce Road, “Stamford, CT 06902”
Esselte, 48 South Service Road,”Melville, NY 11471”
will create two three-line labels: one for DYMO and one for Esselte.
In another example, the following three lines of text will create three two-line labels (if List Separator in Regional Settings is
set to comma):
Multi-Line Text from a Word Processor
When copying text from a word processor, you will typically have multi-line text. In this case, the text for each label is separat-
ed by either a single blank line or a carriage return/line feed.
If a blank line is contained in the text, Smart Paste reads the text as multiple labels separated by a single blank line. If no blank
line is found, the text is read as multiple, one-line labels.
For example, the following two addresses are separated by a single blank line and Smart Paste will create two three-line labels.
However, the following three lines of text contain no blank lines. So, Smart Paste will create three one-line labels.
Pencils, 3 for $1.00
Pens, $0.50 each
Erasers, $1.00