Intelimet Advantage 6
2.2 Lascano-VanBavel ET program for InteliMet Advantage 6 (CR200)
Each InteliMet Advantage 6 weather station is supplied with a standard CR200 program
IMET_MP2_Main.CR2 and a test program IMET_MP2_tst.CR2. These programs are supplied in
InteliMet Advantage 6 software CD in the
directory. IMET_MP2_Main.CR2 program is
loaded into the logger before it is shipped out. Copy programs directory containing,
IMET_MP2_Main.CR2 and IMET_MP2_tst.CR2 programs to your PC on to the directory
These are READ ONLY files. Any changes to these files are not allowed; you can make changes in the
CRBasic editor or other text editor and save the modified program with a new file name.
In addition if the InteliMet Advantage 6 system shipped is a custom set of sensors, with additional soil
moisture sensors etc., these are shipped with custom programs ImetCust1.CR2 and ImetCust1Tst.CR2 or
similar names in a standard CD. In this case, as before copy the contents of CD in addition to the standard
programs to,