Command with FXS Gateway
It’s working if it supported by your network.
usr/config$ tos -print
IP Packet ToS information:
Signalling Packet:
DSCP Code : 0
Media Packet:
DSCP Code : 0
Figure 19-32 tos –print commend list
19.7.17 [phone]
FXS Gateway progress tone is configurable. Default tone value is set according to U.S. tone
specification. Users may adjust the values according to their own country’s tone specification or
users-defined tone specification.
usr/config$ phone
Phone ringing , ringback tone , busy tone , dial tone setting and notes
phone [-ring [freq ] [ringON ] [ringOFF ] [ringLevel]]
[-rbt [freqHi ] [freqLo ] [freqHiLev] [freqLoLev]
[Tone1ON] [Tone1OFF] [Tone2ON ] [Tone2OFF ]]
[-bt [freqHi ] [freqLo ] [freqHiLev] [freqLoLev]
[Tone1ON] [Tone1OFF] [Tone2ON ] [Tone2OFF ]]
[-dt [freqHi ] [freqLo ] [freqHiLev] [freqLoLev]
[Tone1ON] [Tone1OFF] [Tone2ON ] [Tone2OFF ]]
[-flash [freqLo ] [freqHi ]]
[-level [loopCurrentLevel] [onhookLineVoltageLevel ]]
phone [-print [ring]|[rbt]|[bt]|[dt]|[flash]]
-print Display phone ringing/tone configuration.
ring : ringing
rbt : ringback tone
bt : busy tone
dt : dial tone
flash: flash tone
Command List