basIC TroubleshooTIng TeChnIques
Basic Troubleshooting
Lead Testing
Leads may easily be tested without any special equipment by using the “Lead Test” function of the Solaris PLUS console. A
DMM can also be used to see if the pads and leads are in good working condition. Electricity will always choose the path
of least resistance to ground. If it does not have a good path or a complete circuit, it cannot flow and no stimulation will be
felt. This is why good leads and pads are so important in the operation of the Dynatron Solaris PLUS electrotherapy device.
1. Insert the lead wire that is to be tested into the CH 1 output jack
2. Press the “FUNCTION” key on the right side of the User Interface board
3. Turn on the LEAD TEST function by toggling the 5th soft key under the right side of the LCD
4. Touch the two leads at the end of the cable together
5. The conductance bar will increase from left to right indicating the quality of the electrical conductance through the
lead wire
6. A “good” lead wire will show a green bar greater than 50% of the total conductance bar and a conductance reading
of greater than 200
7. Prior to touching the two leads together the conductance reading will be “0” and the bar will not display a reading
8. A “bad” lead wire will not show conductance or will fluctuate below 200 when the cable is moved around, indicating
that the lead has an intermittent open.