MICroCurrenT InsTruCTIons
Microcurrent treatments may be delivered using either electrodes or the optional MultiStim probe. The MultiStim probe
option is not available on the 707. For treatment with electrodes, plug one lead into the CHANNEL 1 JACK, and place the
two electrodes on the patient before setting up the treatment. For treatment with probes, plug the Dynatron MultiStim Probe
into the Stim Probe Jack located on the right-side of the device.
During the Microcurrent treatment the current is delivered to both CHANNEL 1 and to the MULTISTIM PROBE output
simultaneously. Therefore, CHANNEL 1 is unavailable for any other treatment while any Microcurrent treatment is in
progress (including a single Microcurrent probe treatment).
How To Use The Optional MultiStim Probe For Microcurrent Treatments
To set up a Microcurrent Probe treatment, use the end of a cotton swab (such as a Q-Tip®) inserted into the end of both the
MultiStim probe (active) and Microcurrent Ground probe. Cut the end of the swab to a short length. The cotton must touch
the metal ring at the tip of the probe. Use a conductive electrolyte spray or water to wet the cotton swab before treating. If the
cotton dries out during treatment, conductance may become erratic. Re-wet the cotton, if needed.
NOTE: Microcurrent is unavailable if Direct Current is operational.
NOTE: When applying a Microcurrent probe treatment, it is necessary to use either a ground probe or a ground
electrode in conjunction with the active MultiStim probe. Attach the banana plug ground wire from the MultiStim
probe by plugging it into the back of the ground probe. To use a ground electrode you must use a banana-to-pin
adapter to connect the ground wire to the electrode.