OSD Operation
Bluetooth OSD
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A.The system provides Bluetooth hands free communications function(for the first time connection) if your
cellular phone has Bluetooth function. It can create point-to-point connection of system, and it can carry out
functions such as calling and answering, etc. on the screen. The operation is as follows:
1.Switch on Bluetooth function
Touch lightly Bluetooth module of main menu to enter Bluetooth interface, and switch on the Bluetooth function
of your cellular phone in the meantime.
Switch on searching new equipment function of the cellular phone. After the system links the cellular phone.
There will be a prompt in the cellular phone “CONNECT EQUIP?” The cellular phone selects “YES” and enter
password “0000” to confirm he binding. After the system and cellular phone are connected, the screen will display
“CONNECT OK”. Otherwise, please retry until the link is successful.
3.Make a call
Enter the Bluetooth mode, and you can enter telephone number through the numeric key of the screen. You can
also dial the number directly through the cellular phone. After pressing the pick up key, the system will convert
Bluetooth function:
Summary of Contents for DVN-E39
Page 1: ...U S E R MA N U A L U S E R MA N U A L ...
Page 30: ...U s e r Ma n u a l ...