HDX System
General Maintenance Manual, Revision F
Page | 95
Fuel Level Sensor
The SV-EMS-220 utilizes the fuel level sensors originally installed in your airplane and are
typically located in the airplane’s fuel tanks. Refer to the airplane or engine manufacturer’s
maintenance manuals for detailed location information.
To remove the fuel level sensor, follow the removal instructions in the airplane or engine
manufacturer’s maintenance manuals.
To install the fuel level sensor, follow the installation instructions in the airplane or engine
manufacturer’s maintenance manuals.
Carburetor Temperature Sensor
The carburetor temperature sensor is typically installed in a threaded boss that leads to the
venturi of the engine carburetor.
To remove the fuel pressure sensor, follow the removal instructions in the airplane, engine or
carburetor manufacturer’s maintenance manuals, or complete the following steps:
1. Disconnect wiring harness connector at sensor.
2. Using a wrench, unthread sensor from its threaded mounting boss.
3. Remove sensor from boss.
4. If sensor is not immediately replaced, temporarily cover open boss to prevent system
To install the carburetor temperature sensor, follow the installation instructions in the airplane,
ngine or carburetor manufacturer’s maintenance manuals, or complete the following steps:
1. Apply thread sealant to pipe threads.
2. Thread sensor into boss and tighten to prevent fluid leak.
3. Connect wiring harness connector to sensor.
4. Conduct an operation test to confirm correct operation and that there are no fluid leaks.
8.12.10 Cylinder Head Temperature Sensor
The SV-EMS-220 supports a variety of cylinder head temperature (CHT) sensors. The CHT
sensor is threaded into bottom side of each cylinder head. Refer to the airplane or engine
manufacturer’s maintenance manuals for detailed location information.
To remove a CHT sensor, follow the removal instructions in the airplane or engine
manufacturer’s maintenance manuals, or complete the following steps:
1. Disconnect wiring harness connector at sensor.
2. Using a wrench, unthread sensor from its threaded mounting boss.
3. Remove sensor from boss.