9.3.3 Application keypad
The keyboard is the basis for the application. Once the user's PIN is entered, pressing ◄ or
► confirms, the activation command is transmitted.
-Receiver channel 1 if the user presses the ◄ button
-Receiver channel 2 if the user presses the ► button.
The command is transmitted only when there is a valid PIN. When the PIN entry is incorrect, a
warning signal sounds when the confirm button is pressed. The specified combination must
be accurate, if for example, the right combination is 0422, the following combinations are
reported as errors: 422, 10422, 04222.
Subsequently the receiver with the correct PIN can be activated.
When entering the PIN, no more than 6 seconds may elapse between entering the individual
digits. Otherwise, the input must be repeated.
The devices are programmed ex-factory each with a standard combination per channel.
The factory set combinations are as follows:
1.Combination, to transfer the Code with the first press of the button ◄ = 11.
2.Combination, to transfer the Code with the first press of the button ► = 22.
Keypad - radio transmitter for wall installation