E-flite BAe Hawk ARF Assembly Manual
4. Mix a small amount of 6-minute epoxy and
brush it onto the side of the aileron servo mount
that was sanded in the previous step. Position the
mount in the wing as shown in Step 2 and allow
the epoxy to fully cure before proceeding.
While waiting for the epoxy to dry on one wing panel,
you can step through the previous steps to glue the
remaining servo mount into the opposite wing panel.
5. Plug the aileron servos into the receiver and use
the transmitter to center the servos. Also check that
they are operating correctly at this time. Remove
the standard servo horn and install the single-sided
servo arm that was supplied with the servo.
6. Position the aileron servo in the servo mount as
shown in the image.
7. Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver and two 2.5mm
x 10 sheet metal screws to secure the servo in the
servo using the servo mounting strap. Install one
screw and only turn it one or two turns, then install
the second screw. Make sure the strap has even
pressure at both the front and back of the servo.
Use care when installing the servo mounting strap.
Over-tightening the strap could stress the wing sheeting
and even push the servo through the top of the wing.
8. Tie the string around the end of the servo
lead as shown.
9. Carefully pull the aileron servo lead through the
wing using the string tied to it in the previous step.
10. Repeat Steps 1 through 9 to install the
remaining aileron servo.