E-flite Shoestring 15e ARF Assembly Manual
6. Insert the joiner wire into both elevator halves.
Use low-tack tape to keep the joiner wire in position
while the epoxy cures. Use a straight edge to make
sure the elevator halves are in alignment with each
other. Also make sure the elevator halves lay flat on
your work surface.
7. Use a ruler to determine the center of the
stabilizer. Use a square and felt-tipped pen to mark
the center line on the top of the stabilizer. This will
help in aligning the stabilizer on the fuselage later.
8. Place a T-pin in the center of each of the six
hinges. This will center the hinges when installed in
the stabilizer.
9. Place the hinges in the stabilizer as shown.
10. Slide the elevators in position on the stabilizer.
11. Make sure the tips of the elevators are aligned
with the tips of the stabilizer.
12. Press the elevators tightly against the
stabilizer. Apply thin CA into the top and
bottom of all six hinges.