5.1.4 Modbus TCP/IP
The Din-Mon™ D5 Modbus TCP/IP meter communicates with building automation
equipment over an Ethernet communication on port 502. The default IP address is, unless specified in the order form.
The meter is shipped with a Modbus ID number of 1. The Modbus ID range is 1 to 247.
5.1.5 BACnet IP
The Din-Mon™ D5 BACnet IP meter communicates with building automation
equipment over an Ethernet communication on port 47808.
The meter is shipped with a BACnet instance device ID number of 1. The BACnet
instance device ID range is 0 to 4194303.
5.1.6 LonWorks TP/FT-10
The Din-Mon™ D5 LonWorks meter communicates with building automation
equipment via a TP/FT-10 (Twisted Pair - Free Topology) network. End users can read
meter point data via SNVTs (Standard Network Variable Types).
The meter is shipped configured. If the network is already configured, the LonWorks
meter will need to be recommissioned.
5.1.7 EZ7 on RS-485 and Ethernet
All Din-Mon™ meters have EZ7 protocol on RS-485 and Ethernet built-in for
communicating with E-Mon Energy software. EZ7 is an E-Mon proprietary protocol.
The meter is shipped with a default EZ7 ID of 1A. The EZ7 ID range is 1A..1Z to