© E-mu Systems, Inc. 1985
Page 18
Enhanced by The Emulator Archive 2002
1. Activate the SET-UP Module by pressing its switch. Its LED will glow, and the
display will ask for a function from the list printed to the right of the SET-UP
2. Key in 11 (MULTI-PITCH). Select the sound to be multi-pitched by using
SELECT to select the bank containing the sound, then press the sound’s Play
button. That sound will now be spread across the Play buttons at factory pre-
selected pitches.
3. If you want to edit the factory preset pitches, select TUNE/DECAY with the
TUNE-MIX-MULTI switch and vary the sliders to change pitch. The display
shows the relative pitch of each sound. When the tuning is as desired, press
4. While in multipitch, you may also edit the level for each sound of the
multipitched Bank. Press the TUNE-MIX-MULTI button and select MIX, then
use the sliders as described earlier to set the levels.
5. Whenever you select the bank containing the multipitched sound, it will still be
in multipitch mode. This will be indicated by the MULTIMODE LED (next to
the TUNE-MIX-MULTI switch) being on.
To turn off multi-pitch:
1. Activate the SET-UP module (if it is not already) and select the bank to “de-
multipitch”. The display should be asking “Set-up Function?”; if it instead
shows the bar graph, press ENTER to alert the computer it can move on to
the next task.
2. Key in 13 (EXIT MULTI-MODE). When the display asks “Exit Multi Mode?”,
press YES. The Bank will return to its normal preset assignments.
Once a segment has been recorded with sounds at particular pitches, these
pitches cannot be modified after the fact for that segment unless you erase the sound
and re-record it.
You can enter and exit multipitch and multilevel modes while recording to gain
additional drum sounds. Pitch changes can also be recorded along with the segment.