© E-mu Systems, Inc. 1985
Page 60
Enhanced by The Emulator Archive 2002
6. Looping can be set at the same time as truncation, or you can loop a
previously truncated sample. Looping marks off a section (called a loop) of a
User Sound. The display indicates the Loop Length (L=), whose end point is
the end of the sample. With a looped User Sound, the sound plays normally
until it reaches the end of the loop. It then jumps back to the Loop start point
and re-plays through the loop. Upon reaching the loop end, it again re-plays
the loop. Fig. 4-1 indicates a typical looping action. Looping provides “infinite
sustain” effects, extends short samples, and if the loop is rhythmically related
to a composition, produces interesting rhythmic effects.
You might wonder how useful an infinitely sustaining sound is, especially
since this is supposed to be a percussive device...well, don’t forget about
SETUP 18, which lets you alter a sound’s decay time instead of its tuning.
Short decays work great with looped sounds if you want percussive effects.
7. If the display is already showing the truncation/loop parameters, proceed to
step 7. Otherwise, activate the SET-UP module and key in 19. The display’s
top line will show the User Sound to be truncated/looped. If this is the desired
User Sound, press ENTER. If not, key in the desired User Sound with the
keypad and then press ENTER.
8. Slider #5 gives coarse control over the loop length, while Slider #6 gives fine
control. Moving the sliders upwards increases the loop length. Example:
Adjusting these sliders so that L=2750 means that the loop length is 1/10th of
a second long.
Note that you cannot alter loop length a sample at a time, but rather, in
groups of samples (even with the fine loop length slider).
9. If you decide to change the truncation, note that you cannot truncate the
sound shorter than the loop length; you must decrease the loop length in
order to truncate any further. Also, you cannot set a loop length longer than
the total sample time (fair enough).
10. When truncation and looping are set as desired, press ENTER. The display
now asks “Make Truncation Permanent? Y/N.” Press YES to discard the
truncated portions of the sound; this frees up additional sampling memory.
Press NO to retain the current truncation settings, but hold the full sound in
memory. This is useful if you think you might need to return to the original