Figure 5
Since a protective diode is integrated in the transmitter, no chargers can be used that briefly interrupt the charging
current in order to measure the current rechargeable battery voltage. In this case, remove the rechargeable batteries
from the transmitter for charging.
The charging adapter included with the model is only suitable for connecting the balancer (see figure 6). It
must not be used for charging of the transmitter rechargeable battery. The excess voltage could destroy
the battery, transmitter or charger. There is a direct danger of fire and explosion!
c) Switching on the Transmitter
When new batteries or freshly charged rechargeable batteries have been inserted, switch on the transmitter with the
function switch (see figure 1, item 8) for test purposes. The LED bar display for operating voltage (see figure 1 item 14)
now shows the voltage state of the transmitter batteries / rechargeable batteries.
When voltage supply is sufficient, the red, yellow and up to 3 green LEDs light up.
If the power supply is not sufficient any more for a faultless operation, the green LEDs switch off. In this case, you
should stop operating your model as quickly as possible. With a voltage of less than 7 V, the yellow LED switches off
as well. To continue operating the transmitter, recharge the batteries or insert new batteries.
In order to avoid the memory effect of NiCd rechargeable batteries, you should connect the charger only when the
rechargeable batteries are completely discharged.
Binding display
Right after the transmitter is switched on, the binding display
light*s up (also see figure 1, item 9) shortly and then starts
flashing quickly for approx. 3 seconds. This means that the
transmitter submits encoding signals in this moment.
After the 3 seconds, the transmitter display flashes twice
and then is lit permanently. The transmitter is now ready for
For further information on binding, see chapter 10, section
d) Setting the Transmitter Aerial
For best transmitter range to the model, align the aerial so that it is at a 90° angle to the direct connection line between
transmitter and receiver.
Transmission to the model is worst when you point the aerial tip directly towards the model.