Summary of Contents for ID-6300

Page 1: withonly medium 9n the screen If you try to adjustit the ID 6300will sound antone Toadjustthefishsize firstmake certain the10 6300 is not in automatic Next press theCMN D FUNCTIONkey Themenuappearswith mediumfish highlighted Tochangetosmall press the downarrow key inthe RANGEsection Tochange to large pressthe up arrow key in the RANGEsection Waitsixseconds and themenu will disappear or press th...

Page 2: ...ISC menu appears Then press the arrow keys in the RANGE sebtion until the desired levelishighlighted Thenpress the CMN D FUNCTION key There shouldbe an immediatechange inthe noisedisplayedonthescreen For a distictiveaudiblealarm whenfish are detectedbythefish alert feature presstheFISHkey Theword ALARM will bedisplayedatthebottom of the screen right below the lower limit Eachtimeafish Isdetected b...

Page 3: ...eID 6300isturned off Pressing either shallow ordeep setkeyswill turntheZoneAlarm backonwiththe previous settings litherange is changed thezonealarm may need to be changed also since ft does nottrackrangesettings rOFF FISH ALARMI FISH I D TheFishID function isautomatically enabledwhenthe ID 6300 isturnedon An F displaysalthelowerleftcornerofthescreensignifying fishalert ison As signalsare scrolleda...

Page 4: ... sixseconds Thisis theZone Alarm s window Any echo that appears be tweenthetopandbottomofthisbarwill soundthealarm Ad ustboththeshallow and deep ends of this bar to make a smaller orlargeralarm window To adjust the shallow top alarm presstheSHALLOWSETkey The alarm bar displayswith a small arrow pointingtothetopofthe bar Thissigni fiesthatthetoporshallowportionofthe barisreadyforadjustment Thenpres...

Page 5: ... at high speed and you just wanttoknowthe bottomdepth Stop the chart then change to the large digital numbersize Thiswillgive both the fastest possible depth updates plus an easy to readdisplay MENU 7 DIGITALSIZE The digital depth display has three sizeselections small medium and large WhentheID 6300isfirstturnedon thedepthis displayed withthe medium size numbers To changeto a different size press...

Page 6: ...n FastScrofionoroff Waitsixsecondsfor the menu to disappear or press the CMN D FUNCTIONkeytoactivate NOTE Turningon FastScroll turnsthe digital automatic andfish 1 0 off The thelowerlimit Automatically placingthebottomsignalinthiswindow the 10 6300tracksitasitmoves shallower ordeeper PresstheZOOM key If youdon thavea20footwindow presseithertheupordownarrows inthe RANGEsection untiltheupperlimitis2...

Page 7: ...l is in use When Fast Scroll isturned off theID 6300 is restoapower oncoridiflon Automatic andthedigital willbeturnedbackon All other features can be used and will operatenormally MENU 11 ZONEBAR Selectthis menuwhenyouwish to turn the zone alarm bar on perma nently Thisalsoturnsthezonealarm on Ifit isn talready Toturnthezonealarm bar on press the CMN D FUNCTION key Then press the up or down arrow ...

Page 8: ...sindicatesthattheautomaticmode isoff Note Thisalsodisablesthe automaticsensitivityfunction lftheautomaticmode ison pesstheAUTOkeyoncetodisableit Next press oneofthearrow keys in the RANGE section until the desired lower limit appears The displaywillimmediatelychangetothe newdepthrangeand displaythe new lowerlimitatthe bottomofthescreen Theavailable depth rangesare 10 20 40 60 100 200 400 and600fee...

Page 9: ...concentrated inasmallerarea itcan penetrateto muchdeeperdepths Both8 degree and 20degreetransducers give accuratebottom readings even thoughthe bottomsignal is much wider onthe20 degree model Thisisbecause youare seeing moreofthe bottom Remember theshallowedgeofthe signal shows youthetrue depth Therest ofthe signal tellsyouwhetheryouare overrocks mud etc Painttransducers onsaltwater boatswfthathin...

Page 10: ...omputerplaces ftatalevelslightlyabove the minimumrequired to pick upthebottomsignal ChangingthesensitivitylevelwhilethelD 6300is intheautomatic mode ispossible Butonlyif FISH l D isOFF Thismaybedesirable ifthesensitivity levelisnotenoughtoshow fish orothersmalldetail The ID 6300willincrease thesensitivity topickupthebottOmsignal thenadd inthelevelyouprogrammed Ifdesired youcanaddsensitivity uptoth...

Page 11: ...speeds withthemain engine ingearata minimum throttlesetting Thedepthofthewaterwillaffectthesizeandshape ofthefisharch duetotheconeangle diameter Forexample fttheconepassesoverafish in shallowwater the signal displayedontheID 6300maynotarch at all Thisisduetothenarrowconediameterandtheresolution limitations ofthe display Even the 20 degree transducer has onlya3 foot diameteratthis depth Compared to...

Page 12: theAUTOkeyerasesthewordAUTOatthetopofthedisplay Thiscancels autosensitivityand ranging givingyoucomplete manualcontrol oftheunit Returnthe ID 6300to automatic at anytime by pressing the AUTO key again SENSITIVITY MANUAL OPERATION When firstturned on theID 6300isintheAUTO SEARCHmode Themicro computer automatically adjuststhesensitivityandrangetofind and lockontothe bottom Youcanleavethe sensitiv...

Page 13: ...tant to fishermen becausetheyareareas where fish are active Many times bait fish will beabovethethermoclinewhile largergame fishwill suspend inor just below it The ID 6300 can detectthis invisible layerin the water butthe sensitivfty will probablyhaveto be turned upto see it Aknowledgeofthewatertemperaturesvariousfishprefer and in whichtheyusually remain helpsyou getthe mostfrom yourID 6300 SURVEV...

Page 14: ...lsetoffthealarmifitentersthealarm zone RANGE Thearrow keys allowthese lectionofdepthranges Pressthe up arrow to decrease the range depth Press the down arrow toincrease the range FISH I D These keys turn the fish flash andthe fishalarm onoroff Note The10 6300has many morefeatures thanthe onesjustdiscussed Fora detailed look at the lD 6300 sfeatures and operation instructions readtheOperation secti...

Page 15: ...ssed with this key ZOOM Targets onthe displayare en largedtotwice normalsizeormorewith thiskey ON OFFThese keys turn the lD 6300 onand off To turniton simplypress theONkey Toturnitoff presstheOFF Pressing any key generates atone or beep This isthe lD 6300 s wayoftellingyouthatlthasaccepted a command 4 SHALSET DEEP SET Lir 33 Weight Transmiller 1 3 4pounds Frequency OutputPower 192 kHz Receiver Sen...

Page 16: ...e forthetachometer whichradiatesHF radiofrequency energy For bestresults keepthe powerand transducer cables away from theengine wiring Also bilge pumpwiringcan sometimes radiate noiseso tryto keep the ID 6300 s cables awayfromthosewires VHFradloantenna cablesradiateRFenergyathigherpowerlevels thaneventheengine swiring harness ItisimportanttokeepthelD 6300 s power and transducer cables asfar awayas...

Page 17: ...nearly sowiththe dash kHz Kilohertz Ameasurementoffrequency YourEaglesonar operates at 192Kilohertz 192 000cyclespersecond LCD Uquid crystaldisplay Thescreen ordisplayofaUquid Crystal Graph sonar Instrument LCG Liquid Crystal Graph NOISE Any undesired signal Electrical noise is caused by engine ignitions systems radios etc Acousticnoiseis caused bythevibrationof the engine or other mechanical sour...

Page 18: LCG is turned on it will automaticallyfind anddisplaythebottomsignal and othertargets As the bottomdepthchanges thelD 6300 willautomatically changetherange andsensitivity tokeepthebottom signal onthedisplay Ifdesired the onlykey thatneedstobetouched istheONkey However disablingthe automatic mode allowsmanualadjustmentofthelD 6300 The ID 6300 is nitrogenfilled and sealed for complete waterproof ...

Page 19: ... ortelevision type display CHARTSPEED 9 SCALE 10 WINDOW Asegmentofthedepthrange Forexample an upperlimitof LOWERLIMIT 20feet and alowerlimitof50feet creates a30 foot window ZOOM 12 AUTO BOTTOMTRACKING 12 ZOOM Afeature that enlargestargetsonthedisplay GRAYLINE 13 DIGITAL 14 ALARMS 15 ZONEALARM 15 FISH ID 16 LIGHT 17 COMMAND 17 MENU 1 FISHSIZE 16 MENU 2 SURFACECLARITYCONTROL SCC 19 MENU 3 DISCRIMINA...

Page 20: ...ID 6300 LIQUID CRYSTALGRAPH INSTALLATIONAND OPERATION MANUAL LITHO IN US A 988 0106 25 EAGt Simulated Picture PDF compression OCR web optimization with CVISION s PdfCompressor ...


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