The EasyPro Pond Skimmer will catch leaves and other floating debris that fall into the
pond. The pump is located inside the skimmer and as water is pumped out of the skimmer,
new water is drawn in from the surface of the pond. This will create a skimming action that
will draw floating debris into the large debris net inside the skimmer. If the debris net be-
comes full of debris then water will not be able to reach the pump. You will need to empty
the debris as needed. This will vary depending on the season from once every couple of
weeks in the summer to almost daily in the fall if your pond is near a tree. In addition to
the debris net, your skimmer will have either a filter pad or filter brushes as a second form
of filtration. This stage of the filter is designed to trap fine debris and can be lifted out and
rinsed clean as needed. Failure to do this will result in the pump being starved for water and
could cause pump damage due to overheating.
The AquaFalls Filter is your biological filter. After the water is pumped from the skimmer
(where mechanical filtration occurred) it then goes to the AquaFalls biological filter. Millions of
beneficial bacteria will attach themselves to the media inside this filter and “clean” the wa-
ter as it passes through. This filter will require minimal cleaning since most large debris was
removed before it got to this filter and the bacteria are consuming the nutrients in the water.
Usually once per year is all that’s needed for cleaning of this filter. A good time for this is in the
spring when you are doing your spring cleanup of the pond. Each filter has black bags that are
filled with filter media. These bags can be lifted out and hosed off. The media does need to be
taken out of the bag. Under the media bags are filter pads. These pads can also be lifted out
and hosed clean. Over time these pads will need to be replaced (usually every two to three
years). It is not recommended that this filter be cleaned too often
since you will wash off some of the good bacteria when cleaning the filter media.
Many different pumps are used in EasyPro pond kits depending on the size of the pond and the
amount of lift needed for the waterfall. All of the pumps are designed for continuous duty operation and
can be left running 24 hours a day. It is important to operate the pump continuously since the bacteria
in the filter need to have oxygenated water passing through the filter to keep them alive. Because the
water is pre-filtered by the skimmer, you should have very little trouble with
the pump plugging. If you do need to remove the pump to inspect it, simply
loosen the clamp on the rubber coupling and remove the pump. The water
from the filter will drain backwards when the pump is removed. This is not a
problem for the bacteria if you inspect a pump for a few minutes.
Fish and Plants are an important part of the overall pond ecosystem. Fish
add color and life to the pond. It is very relaxing to sit and feed your fish
at the end of a long day. Koi will actually eat some types of algae and will
eat mosquito larvae and insects. Koi and goldfish are popular choices for
adding personality to your pond. These fish are hardy and can survive northern winters (see winter-
izing your pond for more info). Providing you do not overstock your pond, the fish can survive on
the natural food that is present in your pond. However, feeding your fish is fun and relaxing! Just be
sure not to overfeed your fish as the uneaten food is high in nutrients and will cause water quality
Thank you for purchasing an EasyPro pond system! Rest
assured you purchased one of the best built and easiest to
maintain water feature systems on the market today. Like a
pool or a hot tub, your pond will require some maintenance.
Unlike pools and hot tubs, you will use natural products
instead of chemicals to maintain your pond. Following are a
few guidelines to help you achieve maximum enjoyment.
The heart of your pond system is the skimmer, pump and
AquaFalls filter. Together these components will remove
debris, filter the water and create circulation.