How does the CalPal™ Scale Work?
The CalPal™ scale uses your gender, height, age and an activity
level setting to calculate the estimated number of calories you
can consume a day to maintain your present weight.
This estimation may gradually help you with a weight loss, gain
or maintenance plan.
Use on-line software to estimate your calorie consumption, or
journal your calories in a calorie factor booklet from an EatSmart
Precision Food Scale to help make a difference.
Weighing Operation
Your EatSmart Bathroom Scale operates as a basic body weighing
scale. No special programming is required.
1. Select your desired measurement unit.
Your scale is set to default
to pounds at the factory but you can switch the measurements to
kilograms by pressing the unit button, located on the underside of
your scale, while the scale is on. (Press firmly on the platform or press
the “MEM” (memory) button to turn the scale on.)
2. Place the scale on a hard, flat surface.
Carpeted, uneven or
cushioned flooring can negatively affect the accuracy of the reading.
When in doubt, call EatSmart at 866-843-3905 (8 to 5 MST).
3. Initialize the scale.
If you are placing the scale down for the first time
or moving your unit you must first auto-calibrate the scale (see steps
2-4 under "Battery Information and First Time Set Up" section of this
4. Step on.
Place both feet on the center of the glass and stand still.
5. Your weight will appear on the LCD.
Your weight will blink 3 times
when your final weight has been calculated.
6. Step off the scale.
The scale will turn off automatically after
approximately 10 seconds.
Your EatSmart scale operates with "Step-On"
technology but still needs to be auto-calibrated after battery
installation or after the scale is moved, to ensure accuracy.
Firmly press the glass platform to activate the scale but DO
NOT stand on the platform. Allow the scale to read '0.0' and
wait for it to turn off. Your scale is now calibrated and you can
step on and weigh yourself normally.
Any weight management program is a balance between exercise
and calorie intake. Knowing your daily estimated calorie intake
every day, and focusing on calorie content of the foods you eat,
can be a major motivational factor to reach you goal.
Following are 2 examples of the CalPal™ scale in use:
Jack is:
6’ tall
35 years old
220 Lbs
• CalPal™ shows he needs to consume 2542 calories per day to remain at 220
• Jack decides to cut 300 calories per day from his diet while maintaining his
current activity level.
• In less than 12 days Jack may lose up to a pound (based on calories alone)
• In one year Jack may lose up to 31.29 pounds (based on calories alone)
Jill is:
5’6” tall
32 years old
140 Lbs
• CalPal™ shows she needs to consume 1708 calories per day to remain at 140
• Jill also decides to cut 300 calories per day from her diet while maintaining
her current activity level.
• In less than 12 days Jill may lose up to a pound (based on calories alone)
• In one year Jill may lose up to 31.29 pounds (based on calories alone)
IMPORTANT: Proper calorie intake and nutrition are important to maintain a
healthy body. Always consult a physician before undertaking any exercise or
diet program.