Instructional Literature
Effective: May 2008
Instructions for the FP-6000 Protective Relay
For more information visit:
12.4.3 Running the FlashLoader Program
Using Windows Explorer, double-click on the FlashLoader.exe
program installed in the previous section.
If you expect to run the FlashLoader program frequently, you
might want to provide a shortcut icon on the desk-top or in an
appropriate group on the start-up menu by right clicking on the
file name in Explorer and selecting “Create Shortcut”. Drag the
shortcut to the desired group or to the desktop.
12.4.4 Initializing the FlashLoader
The FlashLoader starts up displaying the Com Port Configuration
Frame. Select the Comm Port, the baud rate and the INCOM
Commands which the FP-6000 is set, (see Figure 79).
Figure 79. Flash Programmer Com Port Configuration.
The drop down box under the Command List in the INCOM
Command box on the right of the screen, provides the user with
three choices, Fast Status 300, Zero RAM 39C, and Boot&App
Ver&Rev 397. These are available from the PowerNet software
and can only be exercised when the relay is in the normal
operation mode. Each option is defined below.
The Fast Status 300 command allows the user to test if the PC
being used and the relay communicate. If the baud rate, the
comport and the cable are communicating properly a message
will appear in the text box stating correct and the breaker status,
open or closed. If any, baud rate, comport or cable are wrong an
error message will appear in the text box.
The Zero RAM 39C command is provided for user convenience.
This command will erase ALL data in the RAM.
This command
should ONLY be used when upgrading the firmware.
Eaton recommends executing this command before and after the
firmware has been updated.
Before you execute this command make sure to back up any
necessary data in the relay. This command will erase
waveforms, the datalogger, the event log, the trip log, the history
log, metering, etc. The old settings stored in EEPROM will not be
affected by this command, however, different versions of the
firmware have different setting structures. For this reason, Eaton
recommends verifying and changing the settings, if necessary,
prior to placing the FP-6000 back into service. If the command is
executed properly an acknowledgment will be displayed in the
text box and the relay will reset.
The Boot&APP Ver&Rev 397 command is required for Phase 2
Firmware. This command will get the version and revision of the
boot and application codes.
To speed up programming time, it is recommended to select the
FP-6000 RS-232 baud rate to 38.4 K baud. To avoid port conflicts it
is also recommended to close other programs that effect serial
comm port communications. Then click the “OK” button
initializing the relay to respond.
If the relay has not responded in 5 seconds, a message will
appear indicating the possible causes. Once the cause has been
resolved, the operator can re-initialize the Flashloader program
so that the relay will respond to the request.
When communications have been established a new window
will appear, see Figure 80, listing the product, boot code and
application code information. This message log must be cleared
to continue operation. Click the “Clear Command Log” button.
Figure 80. Command Log Window.
Once the message log has been cleared you can open the
“S-Record File” from the file menu. Simply select Open S-Record
File from the File drop down, (see Figure 81).